I wrote this introduction with the help of our artificial intelligence blog writing tool – HyperWrite. It took just a few seconds to write, thanks to HyperWrite’s generative text feature.
If you’re a blogger, then you know there’s a lot of pressure to keep up with the competition. Blogs are getting crazy these days, with over 7 billion new posts published daily. With so many pieces of content trying to outdo each other, it’s getting harder and harder to stand out.
Luckily, there are a few tools and techniques you can use to beat the competition. Here are 5 your team can use to create blog posts faster and easier with artificial intelligence blog writing.

Why Your Teams Should Use Artificial Intelligence Blog Writing Tools
Over 1,872,287,180 websites are live right now.
That’s an insane number considering the world wide web is less than 40 years old!
Back in 1989, British physicist Tim Berners-Lee invented the World Wide Web.
Soon after, he published the very first website in 1991 – the weirdest domain imaginable, info.cern.ch. Since then, websites have taken off, reaching 1 billion in 2014.

Blogs came on the scene in 1994.
The first blog looked very different from what you see today.
On his blog Justin Hall wrote short, personal posts. Today, blog posts can reach well over 3,000 words or more.
A blog is an interactive part of any website that is updated regularly with new content. Because of the nature of the ability to update and share new content, build subscribers, and nurture an audience, personal writers as well as businesses now use blogging.
Today, businesses use blogging to:
- Write opinions
- Release new information
- Sell goods and services
- Give helpful advice
- Connect with others
John Chow began his blog to advise people on money-making tactics. Now he’s making over six figures a month. This kind of blogging income isn’t the norm, though. Only 6% of bloggers make more than $60,000 a year.
Getting consistent plays in—which is why we’re here talking about using artificial intelligence blog writing to make the process easier.
What Makes a Blog Successful?
Several factors influence how successful a blog is – the top factor being quality content.

What exactly is quality content?
Quality content is defined by how much people are interested in the content and how much return a website gains from content.
People are most interested in content that is useful, urgent, unique, and ultra-specific.
Useful: Does your content teach the reader something new?
Urgent: Are you giving your readers a once in a lifetime opportunity?
Unique: Is your content different than all the other top-level blogs?
Ultra-Specific: Is your content relatable or just another generic post?
When readers come to your blog, you will start seeing a return in your investment of time and money. Only 2-3% of website visitors will buy a product or service – so every visitor counts!
How Artificial Intelligence Blog Writing Helps Teams
To get 2-3% of visitors to make a purchase, your blog team needs to be creating regular quality content to attract them in the first place. Successful bloggers publish 2-4 posts a week. They see the highest rate of traffic and conversions.
The average marketer takes almost 2 hours to write a 500-word blog post. Artificial intelligence blog writing can cut down your team’s writing time up to 5X.

I can write 500 words of AI-generated content in less than 5 minutes, using our tool HyperWrite.
What I create in HyperWrite is far from complete. It only replaces the blank page. Next, I would take the AI-written article and insert a human touch of feeling, engagement, and flow.

5 Steps to Create Blog Content Easier with Artificial Intelligence Blog Writing
What I did to create a 500-word article in less than five minutes doesn’t require years of experience. You only need a reliable AI blog writing tool like HyperWrite.
Here are 5 ways that a content team can use artificial intelligence blog writing to create content easier.
1. Generate Specific Topic Ideas with Artificial Intelligence Blog Writing
Readers want to read topics that are useful, unique, urgent, and ultra-specific. You could spend hours brainstorming for ideas – or have an AI blog writer brainstorm for you.
For example, I wanted to write an article on blogging. Before even opening HyperWrite, I checked Google to see what people want to know about blogging – an important step for creating useful content.

“Blogging tools” is a popular search – seeing that, I took that phrase over to HyperWrite to help me generate more unique and ultra-specific ideas.
Now, I enter the phrase “blogging tools” into the description to begin generating sentences related to that topic. Here are a few of the ideas that HyperWrite generated for me:

To add a sense of urgency and relevance, I also added the year to my topic.
I just went from knowing I want to write about blogging to coming up with the topic: “The Most Popular Blogging Platforms in 2021” in a matter of minutes. Without the unnecessary five shots of espresso in between. 💥 Boom!
2. Create Engaging Headlines with Artificial Intelligence Blog Writing
While 80% of people read headlines, less than 20% of readers will continue reading past the first sentence. What you write in those first fifteen words of copy matters a ton. You can have the most incredible quality content, but it won’t matter if no one is reading beyond your headline.
Blogs headlines usually fall in one of six categories:
- General article headlines
- Brand-specific headlines
- How-to headlines
- List headlines (Top 10, 5 Ways, etc.)
- Headlines beginning with “What”
- Headlines beginning with “Why”
Headlines with the highest engagement are “How-to” headlines – with “What” headlines coming in as a close second. People engage the least with brand-specific headlines.
Using the same process of generating topic ideas – I can also generate headlines that will capture the attention of readers. Because of the popularity of “how to” and “what” headlines, I began by writing those phrases.
Here are some of HyperWrite’s headline suggestions:

3. Provide Ideas for a Rough Outline with Artificial Intelligence Blog Writing
Before writers create beautifully written pieces, they pour their thoughts out on a blank page. These thoughts aren’t well organized and not meant to be seen by others. These unorganized thoughts are called the ugly first draft.
This stage is very important – it helps writers lay out all the information available on a topic. Using that information, a writer can slowly form it into a working outline. From there – the writer creates the first real draft of their project.
AI writing tools help in this brainstorming process by pulling from their vast knowledge. Developers trained HyperWrite on millions of blogs, websites, and books. It has that data stored – ready to share when you hit a wall.
I wanted to test HyperWrite’s data storage – so I entered the previous paragraph into my document. Using its generative text features, HyperWrite gave me two more points I could write about in this subheading: creating content in my voice and using AI as my personal writer.

4. Break Free from Writer’s Block with Artificial Intelligence Blog Writing
The famous American novelist Jack London said:
“Don’t loaf and invite inspiration; light out after it with a club, and if you don’t get it you will nonetheless get something that looks remarkably like it.”
A lack of inspiration causes writer’s block. According to London, writers shouldn’t wait for inspiration to strike before writing. If all writers did that, then they would take years to complete projects. Margaret Mitchell wrote Gone with the Wind in 10 years. J.R.R. Tolkien wrote The Lord of the Rings in 17 years.
Just think how long one blog post would take if you only wrote when you felt inspired!
Writing without inspiration isn’t easy – that’s why you need what we now have in the 2020s, powerful AI writing tools that can come up with inspiration for you.
Whether you’re writing your ugly first draft or on your final stages of a revision, HyperWrite can generate content anytime you feel stuck.
You can either use the generative text features, or type with ThinkAhead to give ideas at the same rate you think.

5. Edit Content for Flow and Accuracy with Artificial Intelligence Blog Writing
Editing copy involves these seven important steps:
- Checking for spelling errors
- Checking for punctuation errors
- Checking for grammar errors
- Fact-checking all research
- Comparing the project description
- Reading for flow and understandability
- Adding content for engagement

To create quality blog content, your writing should be concise and accurate. You will also engage your audience more through short, readable paragraphs in the active voice.
You may have a hard time remembering all those items while you’re writing your initial drafts. That’s why you should go back through your projects several times with a fine-tooth comb and weed out fluff, stiff language, and inaccuracies.
Most of the technical list can be checked through grammar tools like Grammarly. If you want to edit for flow and readability, use HyperWrite’s rewrite tool.
I entered the introduction to this article into HyperWrite. I wanted to see other ways to word the last sentence of the introduction – preferably shortening the idea. Here are the rewrites that HyperWrite generated:

Increase Max Efficiency Inside Your Content Teams with Artificial Intelligence Blog Writing Capabilities
Artificial intelligence blog writers make incredible coworkers. They help you write fast, efficiently, and creatively.
While no AI blog writer will replace the human touch – HyperWrite can use its human-like text generation to fill the blank page.
If your team wants to try HyperWrite for themselves, get in today on HyperWrite for a free trial.