The Future of Online Content Creation Is Now, with AI Assisted Writing

ai assisted writing

AI is here to stay, and it isn’t just for big corporations.

You use AI every day, whether you know it or not:

If you use Google Maps to find your destination, you’re using AI.

AI is the technology that lets your Roomba vacuum know to stop before crashing into your sofa.

If you’re a content creator, you also use AI in your writing. Spellcheck, autocorrect, and grammar checks are all simple forms of AI. Consider them the grandparents of modern AI-assisted writing.

If they’re the grandparents, who’s their rebellious teenage grandchild questioning social norms?

Say hello to GPT-3 writing generators!

ai assisted writing

Where Content Creation Began: A Brief History

Writing began over 5000 years ago in Mesopotamia. Humans scrawled pictures that took shape into characters into wet clay, called cuneiform. Mesopotamians used writing to convey simple information from taxes to crops. Gradually, writing developed rules and a uniform appearance.

Writing grew advanced enough for people to start conveying feelings through poetry and stories using the written language. From the 3,000 years that people used cuneiform, archeologists only found over half a million cuneiform objects.

Compare that to modern writing.

Google Books says we have over 100 million books in print – not counting self-publishers and ebooks. In addition to books, there are over 200 million active websites with writers adding content daily.

What Content Creation Looks Like Today with AI Assisted Writing

Here’s a summary of the most popular content online today:

  • Breaking news
  • Feel-good stories
  • Advice articles and quotes
  • Behind-the-scenes looks

In addition to these, people often share quizzes, travel stories, and scientific discoveries.

Published content isn’t dead yet – nearly 1 million books are published each year. But that number is greatly diminished compared to the 7 million blog posts published EVERY DAY.

Online content is slowly taking over published content – and continues to rise in popularity. When there is a demand, scientists create technology to meet that demand.

AI-assisted writing is here to help online content creators meet the demand of over 4 million internet users for new information.

How? By creating quality content faster.

global digital population

The Different Types of Content Created by AI Writing with GPT-3

AI-powered writing assistants help writers create content twice as fast through GPT-3 technology.

“GPT-3” stands for third-generation Generative Pre-trained Transformer. It uses information gleaned from the internet to create ideas and text.

AI-generated writing sounds human-like, copying the patterns and semantics of millions of online articles. Its text generations are convincing enough that many writers use it to create entire content pieces.

The Guardian published an article written by GPT-3. Another author published a book written by AI. Well-known organizations like the Associated Press already use AI writing on a regular basis to create content.

AI isn’t limited to long-form content. It can create headlines, social media posts, outlines, and more. If there’s text in your content, AI writing generators can write it for you.

The Bright – and FAST – Future of Content Creation

AI-assisted writing is just getting started. We came a long way from our phones predicting the next word in our text messages. Now, AI is predicting entire paragraphs and pages of text!

Where does it go from here?

AI will change how writing happens. While AI may replace some workers, it also creates more jobs – with an estimated 133 million jobs created by 2022 thanks to AI.

growing use of ai

Screenshot from Oberlo

Right now, AI writing doesn’t have the technology to create complex content pieces. It can complete mundane tasks of brainstorming, checking grammar, and correcting spelling. It can also create simple pieces of text and headlines to engage an audience.

Writers who used to do those tasks are now free to focus their talents on more complex writing. That means you get to do what you love as a writer and let your AI writing generator do the rest.

Isn’t that a bright future for content creators!

Your Job as a Writer Is Secure

Will AI writing assistants ever fully replace humans? Even the best writing assistant software lacks one important ingredient: a soul.

Until technology can replicate human emotion, AI writing technology will never fully replace human writers. Here is an example.

Picture a large house. Someone asks both you and AI to describe the house.

AI can tell you all the facts about that house. It will pull from its ever-increasing knowledge to explain how builders built the house, what it looks like, even how long it might last.

Meanwhile, you would be able to describe how the house makes you feel. You would use words like comforting and warm – even liken it to your grandma’s house, full of nostalgia. Most importantly, you could distinguish what makes the building a home rather than a house.

AI writing assistants may one day master language semantics, grammar, spelling, and flow. But humans will always have the edge when it comes to emotion. That’s why AI writing tools will remain a writer’s assistant instead of a replacement.

So go ahead and embrace AI writing. It isn’t your competition – it’s your companion.

AI Assisted Writing Is Here to Help You

Let’s explore just how AI can assist you in creating online content.

Our tool HyperWrite uses GPT-3 technology to create content faster and more efficiently. Here are a few unique benefits to using AI writing.

AI Assisted Writing Pulls Information in Seconds

AI streamlines the writing process by pulling information from its database of knowledge, cutting the time writers spend brainstorming for new content.

Here’s an article I began on coffee facts. Immediately, HyperWrite provided facts, saving me from switching to Google search to find the information myself.

ai assisted writing tool providing facts to use in a piece about coffee

In less than a minute, I have a list of five unique facts about coffee.

ai assisted writing tool pulling facts about coffee

Will AI writing replace Google search in the future? Who knows, but it certainly looks like rising competition for traditional research methods.

AI Assisted Writing Predicts Large Amounts of Text

Netflix predicts what shows you like. Your email suggests who to contact. What makes AI writing unique?

It predicts far more than a single piece of information. It generates entire thoughts and paragraphs.

What should I say next in this article? Let’s enter this paragraph into HyperWrite and see its suggestions.

ai writing tool predicting large amounts of text

HyperWrite created a section on how coherent AI writing appears. I have three usable ideas generated entirely from the mind of HyperWrite.

Writers create content faster using this feature. As content on the internet continues to grow – and the demand for relevant information increases, AI writing tools will step up. They’ll cut your writing time in half and replace simple writing tasks so you can focus on longer pieces.

AI Assisted Writing Adjusts Your Writing Tone

If you’ve written multiple types of content, you know how hard it is to shift your tone. One moment you’re writing a professional press release. Next, you need to sound hip for a social media post. Getting the wording down just right can feel like rocket science.

Luckily, AI assisted writing is based on science and patterns. HyperWrite’s edit feature lets you adjust the tone of your writing from formal to casual. Take this famous quote by Pope John Paul II, for example.

“The future starts today, not tomorrow.”

I have four editing options for changing the tone of this sentence.

editing a sentence with an ai assisted writing tool

Here are HyperWrite’s results from each tone adjustment:

Expanded: The future begins today, not tomorrow

Shortened: The future starts today.

Casual: The future starts right now.

Formal: The future has started today, not tomorrow.

While this feature is still simple, it shows where AI writing could be in the future. AI writing assistants don’t just generate random text. They adjust their text predictions for every situation – from a casual blog post to formal school essays.

Join the Future of Online Content Creation

Where will content creation be in ten years? Five years? Or even next year?

HyperWrite gives us a glimpse at where content creation is headed with AI-assisted writing.

AI can find facts, generate long content pieces, and adjust its tone for different situations. GPT-3 is only on the third generation of Generative Pre-trained Transformers – it’s just getting started.

What will be possible by the fourth or fifth generation?

What we do know is content creation looks drastically different from just a few years ago.

In the history of the world, we’ve gone from carving pictures on clay to typing words into a computer. AI took this a step further and changed AI writing from simple spell-check to text generation.

You are living the future right now. Take advantage of the tools available and sign up for a free trial of HyperWrite.

ai assisted writing